
QPLIX Insights - Digitalising Wealth Management


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Wealth tech provider QPLIX offers orders via FIXhub.net

Using the QPLIX wealth management platform, wealth and asset managers can also send orders directly to their respective trading partners via FIXhub.net and the PATRONAS TradeDirector system. FIXhub.net hosts and manages a neutral electronic network that enables buy-side and sell-side institutions to exchange messages based on the FIX protocol and other messaging standards. 

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Same procedure as every year: Are you ready for the legal transformations and trends in German Wealth Management in 2024?

As we stand on the threshold of 2024, we are about to face a series of legal transformations and general trends that will reshape the landscape of wealth and portfolio management in Germany. In wealth management, staying ahead of the curve requires not only staying informed, but also proactively adjusting your strategy in this ever-changing market. Here is a short list of the most important things you should check out at the beginning of 2024: 

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Trendmonitor Vermögensverwaltung 2023

How do Germans invest? The Institut für Vermögensaufbau (IVA) and wealth management software provider QPLIX have investigated this question and presented the German-language study "Trendmonitor Vermögensverwaltung (TMVV)".

With more than 54,000 real client portfolios analysed, the TMVV is the largest and most in-depth analysis of its kind in the German-speaking world. The TMVV is a spin-off of the CAPITAL studies Top Asset Managers 2019 to 2023, in which over 100 independent asset managers took part. The anonymous and aggregated portfolio holdings data was provided for the studies by the custodian banks V-BANK, DAB BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, Baaderbank and Donner & Reuschel on the basis of authorisation by the participating asset managers. IVA and QPLIX have now analysed this anonymous data from an asset allocation perspective and published it for the first time in the Trend Monitor. 

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