The 20 Favorite Stocks of German Investors: Insights from the Trend Monitor Wealth Management
QPLIX and IVA have analysed real portfolios at German independent asset managers for the Trendmonitor Vermögensverwaltung (TMVV). Here we take a closer look at one of the many findings of the comprehensive evaluation: the 20 favourite stocks of German investors.
The Insitut für Vermögensaufbau ("Institute for Wealth Accumulation", IVA) and wealth management software provider QPLIX present the Trendmonitor Vermögensverwaltung (TMVV) ("Trend Monitor Wealth Management"). With more than 54,000 real client portfolios evaluated, the TMVV is the largest and most well-founded evaluation of its kind in the German-speaking world. The TMVV is a spin-off of the CAPITAL studies Top Asset Managers 2019 to 2023, in which more than 100 independent asset managers participated.
We have analysed which individual stocks are most popular among the clients of independent German asset managers. The ranking results from the frequency of occurrence of a certain share in the analysed portfolios in the course of 2022 (Column "in n Depots") . In the table below you can also see how many asset managers bet on this share (Column "bei n VV").
The ranking of the most popular individual stocks is led by Allianz, BASF and Microsoft. 13 of the 20 most frequently chosen individual companies come from Europe, 7 of them from the DAX. The remaining 7 shares are US companies - mainly highly valued stocks with a presumed economic moat. Among the German shares, the asset managers mainly chose high-dividend companies from the DivDAX (Allianz, BASF, Deutsche Post, Deutsche Telekom, Munich Re and Bayer).
The Trendmonitor Vermögensvewaltung study also shows the asset allocation of portfolios in 2022 (equities, funds, bonds) as well as shifts during the past five years. The study also contains special evaluations on the Ukraine crisis (energy, armaments), the Corona pandemic (pharmaceuticals, home office) and trend topics such as ESG and cryptocurrencies. The Trendmonitor Vermögensvewaltung (in German) 2023 is available to download free of charge:
The Trendmonitor Vermögensverwaltung (TMVV) is a spin-off of the CAPITAL studies Top Wealth Managers 2019 to 2023 and is the largest data-based analysis of the investment behaviour of professional wealth managers in German-speaking countries. The TMVV will be published in this form for the first time in 2023 and is based on a cooperation between the Institut für Vermögensaufbau (IVA) and the wealth management software provider QPLIX for the annual study Top Asset Managers of CAPITAL magazine. In the meantime, the analysis includes over 54,000 real client portfolios. More than 100 independent asset managers and their clients have agreed to the anonymised and aggregated evaluation of their portfolio holdings. In concrete terms, this currently means a database of more than 22,292 securities (including real estate funds, REITs, etc.) as well as more than 7636 funds and ETFs. The portfolio holdings are evaluated for the study four times a year, at the beginning of each calendar quarter. T The overall evaluation, on which the interpretation of the analysis is based, is composed of the criteria groups "portfolio structure", "product implementation", "risk management", "cost efficiency" and "performance".
Would you like to know more? The TMMV 2023 is available for download.