
Top Wealth Managers of 2022: Capital, IVA & QPLIX Announce the Best Performers


For the fifth time, the German business magazine Capital and the Institut fuer Vermoegensaufbau have determined the best wealth managers with the help of the QPLIX Wealth Management Software.
Independent wealth managers are particularly challenged by high inflation and the effects of the Ukraine war: In the turbulent year 2022, many have invested primarily in undervalued quality stocks and relied on bonds with better interest rates for the first time again. This is shown in this year's study by the business magazine Capital, in which the performance of bank-independent asset managers was examined. In the large-scale test, the real data of more than 54,000 bank deposits of a total of 108 asset managers were analysed. The anonymisation and processing of the data was carried out with the QPLIX wealth manager software.

"We congratulate the top wealth managers in this year's evaluation and are of course particularly pleased with the QPLIX clients among them. The QPLIX Wealth Management Platform is used by both traditional and digital asset managers. It enables sophisticated analyses and a digital customer experience with the QPLIX Wealth App as well as the automation of reporting, ordering and booking," says Kai Linde, one of the managing directors of QPLIX.

In addition to the custodian banks DAB BNP Paribas and V-Bank, which have been partners in the test for five years, Deutsche Bank, Baaderbank and, for the first time, Donner & Reuschel also provided the custody account data.

Overall, the participants in the balanced custody account class performed very well most often. In 2022, the portfolios had an average of 60 percent equities and 20 percent bonds, mainly short-dated ones. In addition, the cash ratio was high at 14 per cent, underlining the managers' search for promising new securities.

"In 2022, both stocks and bonds generated losses, accordingly a more conservative one produced particularly good results," says test manager Andreas Ritter from IVA. Around 45 percent of the portfolios are currently invested in Europe and 40 percent in the USA. Emerging markets account for just under 9 percent. In the top group of 14 five-star winners, there are two outstanding providers who defended their top marks for the fifth time: BV&P Vermögen from Kempten and Liqid Asset Management from Berlin. Three other asset managers managed a five-star overall rating for the third time: the asset managers B&K Vermögen and Portfolio Concept from Cologne, as well as Kidron Vermögensverwaltung from Stuttgart. Alps Family Office, e/r/w Vermögen, Honoris Treuhand and Salytic Invest each received the top rating for the second time. Also new to the top group this year are Agevis, GerdKommer Invest, Grossbötzl, Schmitz & Partner Vermögensverwaltersozietät, Maneris and Odörfer &Brandner Vermögensmanagement.